Past Message

Point 1: A story about Jesus doesn’t have power on its own

Point Two: The truth of Jesus’ resurrection transforms lives

Discussion Questions:

Watch the past message, then choose questions to discuss with your Growth Group.

  1. What was something that stood out to you from this past Sunday’s message? Share what you learned and how it will impact your life.

  2. Read John 20:24-29. Thomas required proof that Jesus was alive. Is it wrong to need evidence to believe? What reasons or circumstances could be behind his reluctance to accept the testimony of the other disciples

  3. Why do some people need more evidence to believe in Jesus' message and what the Bible claims about His resurrection?

  4. When does doubt become a problem?

  5. What was the most difficult thing to believe about Jesus or the Bible when you decided to follow Jesus?

  6. Doesn't it seem reasonable that we, too, might have questions about a God we have never seen face to face? Is it okay to seek answers and find meaning in the unknown?

  7. What kinds of things cause you to doubt? How do you turn your doubt into faith?

  8. The resurrection reminds us of our purpose. How does the resurrection remind you of your purpose? Have you ever doubted God's plan for your life?

  9. How do you think the knowledge of the resurrection can help you stay positive and motivated during times of waiting or discouragement, like it did for the disciples after the crucifixion?