Point One: The Version of Jesus that Personally Benefits Me

Point Two: The Version of Jesus that is Popular

Point Three: The Version of Jesus that Leverages Political Power

Point Four: Being A Disciple Means Surrendering Every Motivation

Discussion Questions:

Watch the past message, then choose questions to discuss with your Growth Group.

  1. What was something that stood out to you from this past Sunday’s message? Share what you learned and how it will impact your life.

  2. Read John 12:1-11. What action did Mary take towards Jesus? How did Judas react to Mary's action? What motivated Judas’s response to Mary’s act?

  3. How can we use God's resources solely for our own pleasure, without considering the needs of others

  4. How can you use your resources today to worship and honour God?

  5. Read John 12:13-19. What did the crowd know about Jesus? How did they greet Him upon His arrival in Jerusalem?

  6. What was the significance of palm branches? Why did the people shout "Hosanna"? Did the crowd understand the meaning behind their actions and words?

  7. What have you heard about Jesus that made you want to pursue Him? What inspired you to seek Jesus?

  8. In what ways has your understanding, perceptions and expectations of Christ changed over the years to more appropriately align with who He truly is?